Our designers have put together a list of their favorite places out there to find stock photography. These sites make it easy to grab fresh images to take your website to the next level, and we use them every day to find awesome shots, including the ones you see in our new templates. Whether you're looking for a specific photo to complete your design or in need of a new look and feel, these sites will help you find what you're looking for.
Unsplash: We like Unsplash for their landscape and cityscape photography. If you need a photo of a far-off mountain path, a quaint corner bakery, or a sprawling skyline, Unsplash has you covered - plus they mix it up with some awesome abstract shots.
Picography: This feed is filled with interesting outdoor shots and city scenes, all downloadable and hi-res.
Foter: This collection is huge, and entirely searchable, making it a go-to for images every time we start a search. From science to celebrities, Foter has options for every theme and style.
Little Visuals: Free delivery! Little Visuals will send you seven new images each week for you to use however you want. Their images range in subject but carry a consistent and solid style that we love.
Gratisography: Check out this site for lots of creative, fun shots. They update their collection weekly, and can supply the design inspiration you didn't know you needed.