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How to Overcome Web Designer's Block

An effective website is essential for modern small businesses. And, website builders, like Websites 360®, make it easier than ever to build your own, even if you don't have any web design experience.

However, even with the help of a website builder, it's not uncommon to face web designer's block. After all, your website is a critical piece of your success, and you want to make sure that you get it right.

Here are a few key tips to help you overcome web designer's block and build an effective small business website.

5 tips for overcoming web designer's block

#1. Define your purpose

The first step to overcoming web designer's block is to define the purpose of your small business website. What do you want your website to achieve?

Are you looking to generate leads, promote a product or simply provide information about your small business?

Answering this question will help you determine the overall tone and feel of your website, as well as the specific content and features that you'll need to include.

#2. Do your research

Once you've defined the purpose of your small business website, it's time to do some research.

Start by taking a look at websites for other businesses in your industry.

Note what you like and don't like about their sites, and think about how you can use that information to improve your own website.

You should also spend some time looking at website builder templates and examples to get an idea of what's possible.

This research will give you a better understanding of what you want your small business website to look like and how to achieve your desired results.

#3. Outline your content

The next step is to outline the content that you want to include on your small business website.

Start by creating a list of all the pages that you want to include, and then think about what content should go on each page.

Here are a few examples of pages that most small business websites need:

  • Homepage - The homepage is the first page that visitors will see when they come to your small business website. It should give them a general overview of what your small business is all about and encourage them to explore further.
  • About Us - The About Us page is a great place to share your story and connect with potential customers on a personal level.
  • Products or Services - If you're selling products or services on your small business website, you'll need a dedicated page (or pages) to showcase each product or service you have to offer.
  • Blog - A blog is a great way to share valuable information with potential customers and drive traffic to your small business website.
  • Contact Us - The Contact Us page should include your small business's contact information, as well as a form that visitors can use to get in touch with you.

Once you've created a list of pages, take some time to brainstorm ideas for each one. Not sure what to write? Take a look at our small business website content ideas for inspiration.

Don't worry if you're not sure what all of the content should be just yet. The important thing is to get started and start filling in the pieces. You can always go back and refine your content later on.

#4. Choose a website builder

Now that you have an idea of what you want your small business website to achieve and what content you want to include, it's time to choose a website builder.

There are a lot of different website builders out there, so take some time to compare your options and find the one that's right for you.

Here are a few things to look for in a small business website builder:

  • Ease of use - You should be able to create and edit your small business website without any prior experience or technical expertise.
  • Flexibility - The best small business website builders are flexible enough to accommodate a wide range of needs and objectives.
  • Custom design templates - Look for website builders that offer a variety of custom design templates so you can easily create a small business website that's unique to your brand.
  • Affordability - Make sure you choose a small business website builder that fits within your budget.
  • Customer support - If you run into any problems while creating your small business website, you should be able to get help from a customer support team.

Once you've chosen a website builder, it's time to get started creating your small business website.

#5. Pick a website design template

The last step in overcoming web designer's block is to pick a website design template. A website design template is a pre-designed layout that you can use to create your small business website.

Most website builders offer a wide range of templates to choose from, so you should be able to find one that's perfect for your small business.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a website design template:

  • Your small business's branding - The template you choose should reflect your small business's brand and give visitors a positive impression of your business.
  • The type of website you're creating - Make sure the template you choose is well-suited to the type of website you're creating. For example, if you're creating an e-commerce website, you'll want to choose a template that's designed for online stores.
  • Your small business website's content - The template you choose should be able to accommodate all of the content you want to include on your small business website.

Once you've chosen a website design template, customize it for your small business and add your content.

Overcoming web designer's block doesn't have to be difficult. By following these five tips, you can easily create a small business website that's perfect for your needs.

Get started today!