The decision to handle your marketing yourself, hire an in-house marketing professional or work with an outside marketing team is a big one, and it’s one that every small business must make for itself. Here are just a few of the many reasons to consider working with a marketing team.
The Benefits of Working With a Marketing Team
Robyn Rivera
6 reasons to work with a marketing team
#1. Prioritize marketing
Marketing is something that every small business absolutely needs. It’s how you get the word out about who you are and what you do. It’s how you build recognition in your brand and drive new leads to your business.
If you do your marketing all by yourself, it often gets pushed to the bottom of your very long to-do list. But, marketing is too important to be deprioritized in your business.
By working with an outside marketing team, marketing your business becomes someone’s top priority again — even if it’s not your own.
#2. Save time
Small business owners are some of the busiest people around, often working more than 40 hours every week and operating in multiple capacities. Time is one thing that small business owners often don’t have in abundance.
If you wait for a free minute in your schedule to write a blog for your small business website, launch a search advertising campaign on Google or post on your social media profiles, you’ll never actually get it done.
Don’t wait for your schedule to free up to market your business. Save time by working with a marketing team that can do it for you.
#3. Stay up to date with marketing trends
The world of small business marketing is constantly changing and evolving. Keeping up with all of the changes is a full-time job in itself, but it’s an important part of implementing a successful marketing strategy.
If you allow your website, ad designs and other marketing materials to get stale and outdated, they’re not going to drive the results that you want.
You need a modern small business website and marketing strategy in order to succeed. This is nearly impossible to do on your own, especially with everything else on your plate. Working with a marketing team can help.
#4. Save money
There are lots of free ways to market your business these days, from reputation management and content marketing to social media management. However, marketing tends to work better when you invest in paid strategies as well.
Besides the costs associated with paid advertising, even the free marketing channels aren’t free when you consider the investment of time it takes to write content, create social media posts, respond to reviews, etc.
When you’re on your own, it’s all too easy to invest your time and money into the wrong channels. With a marketing team on your side, you help to avoid those costly mistakes and save more money.
#5. Maximize your success
There are general small business marketing rules that apply to most businesses in most industries. But, no two businesses are exactly alike, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to marketing that will work for every business.
Successful marketing is something that can take a lot of time and testing to get right. It’s not something that you can set up and forget about while you let it run its course.
A small business marketing team will know how to properly monitor your performance and utilize the data to maximize your success. This means more bang for your buck and a higher ROI.
#6. Focus on your business
Like I said, small business marketing takes time. Every hour you spend building email marketing campaigns or designing new pages for your website is an hour you won’t be able to spend serving your customers or working with your team.
Let’s face it. There are a lot of things that demand your attention as a business owner, and you can’t just drop them in order to make time to market your business.
With a marketing team on your side, you can focus on what really matters, serving your customers and managing your business.
There are so many reasons to work with an outside marketing team, like Marketing 360®’s. Learn more and see our plans and pricing.